Student Leadership

Student Leadership

Student Leadership

In St. Leo's College we have a proud tradition of developing leadership capacity in our students. Students in St. Leo's College demonstrate leadership on a daily basis by wearing the correct uniform, being courteous and kind, helping a friend in need. We are a large school and every day we see future leaders developing key skills and becoming confident, assured young ladies who will play their part in shaping society in the future.

Our student leadership structures are a robust reflection of our caring, generous, compassionate ethos and the responsibility to demonstrate that ethos in our school. The girls who put themselves forward to lead are aware of that responsibility and eager to make a positive difference to their fellow students. The difference they make is profound and interweaves the very fabric of our characteristic spirit.

All staff support our student leaders but Ms. Laura Dowling in particular gives tirelessly of her energy and expertise to guide and facilitate our Student Representative Council and Senior Prefects. Ms. Dowling organises training for our leadership teams and facilitates meetings. Senior Prefects and Head Girls attend a training day in September and members of the Student Representative Council receive training in August.

Ms. Dowling has dedicated an extraordinary amount of energy and enthusiasm to organising and facilitating our Meitheal Leadership team. It is run as part of a diocesan programme under the guidance of Mr. Robert Norton. This group of 14 Fifth year students guide, support and mentor our First Year students. Joining a large school in September can be daunting but our Meitheal leaders help to make the first year students feel welcome and secure.

St. Leo's College is a large school and due to its size can offer a diverse range of subject choices and a wide variety of extra-curricular activities to students. Students are involved in sports coaching, society committees and charitable organisations. Faith leadership is evident in student retreats, involvement in liturgical ceremonies and sacred music.

In St. Leo's College every student can make a difference. Every student can be a leader.

Student LeadershipStudent LeadershipStudent LeadershipStudent LeadershipStudent LeadershipStudent LeadershipStudent Leadership
Feb 04
Mock Examinations
Feb 17
Spring Mid-Term Break
Mar 17
School Closed
Apr 02
TY Musical
St. Leo's College,
St. Leo’s College,
Dublin Road,

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